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How to Check if My Lasting Power of Attorney is Valid?

Ensuring your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is valid is crucial for it to serve its purpose effectively. So, how do you check if your LPA is valid in Singapore? Firstly, ensure that your LPA form has been correctly completed and certified by an accredited professional, such as a registered medical practitioner, lawyer, or psychiatrist. After submission, verify that it has been successfully registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). You can check the status of your LPA by contacting the OPG or using their online services.

Want to know more about the steps to validate and use your LPA? Read on for a complete guide to ensuring your Lasting Power of Attorney is valid in Singapore, including tips on verification and maintaining its validity!

How do I Check My Lasting Power of Attorney in Singapore?

This guide outlines the steps for Donors and Donees of a registered Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) to access and manage the document electronically through the Office of the Public Guardian Online (OPGO).

opgo lasting power of attorney

Benefits of Online Access:

  • Convenience: View and retrieve your LPA anytime, anywhere.

  • Security: Access a secure digital copy of your LPA.

  • Accessibility: Replace the need to rely solely on a physical copy.

Accessing Your LPA through OPGO:

For Donors:

  1. Login to OPGO using your Singpass credentials.

  2. On your Overview page, locate the section with your LPA details and click the "LPA No."

For Donees:

  1. Login to OPGO using your Singpass credentials.

  2. On your Overview page, locate the section with your LPA details and click "View LPA."

Viewing and Sharing:

  • Once logged in, you can view the full LPA document.

  • Donors: You can download and print the LPA for your reference. However, please note that printed copies cannot be used for official transactions.

  • Donees: You can view the LPA but sending it to third parties requires the Donor to be certified as mentally incapacitated by a doctor.

If you require a certified copy for official transactions, you can submit a Certified True Copy application directly through OPGO.

How to Get a Certified True Copy of Lasting Power of Attorney in Singapore?

A Certified True Copy (CTC) of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) serves as an official verification of the document's authenticity. This copy is often required when:

  • The Donor (the person granting the power) is a foreigner without access to Singapore's Singpass online system.

  • The LPA is needed as supporting documentation for a court application.

Benefits of a Certified True Copy:

  • Provides a physical copy with legal validity for official transactions.

  • Offers a level of assurance beyond a downloadable summary of the LPA.

The process is most efficient for existing eligible Donees (individuals authorised by the LPA) or the Donor themself. If you fall outside these categories, you may still apply, but additional information may be required for verification purposes.

Before You Apply:

Gather the following documentation:

  • Donor's full name and NRIC number.

  • Copy of the Donor's NRIC (both front and back sides).

  • Clear explanation for requesting the CTC.

  • Proof of your relationship with the Donor (applicable for non-Donees/Donors).

Application Fees and Processing:

  • The application fee for a CTC is $30 (subject to change – refer to the latest fee schedule on the OPG website).

  • Online payment is available via Visa or Mastercard only.

If you are already listed as a Donee or a Donor in the LPA, you can access and send a digital copy of the LPA through OPG's online portal at no cost.

Applications are typically processed within 3 working days of submission. Upon approval, the CTC will be mailed to the applicant's provided address. Please take note that there are no refunds for rejected CTC applications.

How to Use My LPA in Singapore?

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) empowers your chosen Donee(s) to make decisions and act on your behalf if you lose mental capacity in the future. Understanding how to utilise your LPA effectively is crucial for a smooth transition.

When can an LPA Donee act? 

A Donee's authority is activated only after a registered medical practitioner certifies that you, the Donor, have lost mental capacity. All registered medical practitioners in Singapore can provide these reports.

For transactions with banks, insurance agencies, HDB, CPF Board, SLA, and similar entities, submit your electronic LPA directly through your OPGO dashboard. This ensures the most recent version of your LPA is used.

Some agencies may require further documentation, such as:

  • Donee(s)' NRICs

  • Doctor's medical report certifying your loss of mental capacity

Keep in mind that loss of mental capacity can be temporary or permanent. If you regain capacity, your Donee must step aside and allow you to make your own decisions. The LPA remains valid and can be reactivated if necessary.

Specific Requirements for Banks

For initial transactions with banks, Donees should present a current medical report, ideally within the last six months. However, for established permanent conditions, the original report documenting your permanent lack of capacity will suffice.

The Life Legacy: Your Trusted Legacy Planning Partner

At The Life Legacy, we understand the importance of safeguarding your future and ensuring your wishes are respected. Our team of experienced professionals provides comprehensive legacy planning services, including:

  • Expert LPA Guidance: We guide you through the entire LPA process, from initial consultations to clarify your needs and goals, to drafting and registering your LPA with the Office of Public Guardian (OPG).

  • Tailored LPA Solutions: We understand that each individual's situation is unique. We work closely with you to create a customised LPA that reflects your specific wishes and preferences.

  • Ongoing Support: Our commitment extends beyond the initial LPA creation. We offer ongoing support to ensure your LPA remains effective and reflects any changes in your circumstances.

Don't navigate the complexities of LPA alone. Let The Life Legacy be your trusted partner in securing your legacy.

Contact The Life Legacy today to schedule your first consultation and discuss how we can help you create a Lasting Power of Attorney that empowers your loved ones to act on your behalf.


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