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Sea Scattering vs Land Scattering: Importance of Deciding What to Do After Cremation

Ash scattering is a sentimental gesture conducted after a deceased loved one’s cremation that has gained traction in modern times. As The Life Legacy would describe it, scattering may forever disperse one’s ashes, but the memories of the dearly departed would forever live on through the hearts and minds of their loved ones.

However, an important decision has to be made when it comes to this practice. Would you rather scatter the ashes on land or sea? Each option has vastly different settings although the procedure is quite similar. To help you decide, this article will provide the pros and cons of each setting, as well as the other factors you should consider to make an informed decision for your departed loved one or even plan your own ash scattering in the future.

Difference Between Sea Scattering and Land Scattering

sea Scattering after cremation with The Life Legacy

Although the two practices follow the same ceremonial flow, the biggest difference is, of course, their location and ambience.

  • Sea Scattering: Conducted near coastal areas where ashes are scattered into the sea. It symbolises the return to the waters, which are the source of all life. This practice demands more resources because a seafaring vehicle, usually a boat, is needed. 

  • Land Scattering: The ashes will be scattered in a large memorial garden full of plants and serene sceneries. It symbolises the return to the earth, where all the deceased people ultimately return to. It is generally more convenient and straightforward than sea scattering. 

Factors to Consider When Deciding

Here are the factors you need to consider when choosing between land or sea scattering:

1. Personal and Family Preferences

When making decisions about the final resting place, prioritise your own wishes while also considering your family’s preferences. Think about whether you would prefer to have your ashes scattered in a memorial garden, surrounded by lush plants and returned to the earth, or in the serene ambience of the sea. Striking a balance between your desires and your family's wishes is key.

2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Scattering the ashes in land requires a Letter of Authorisation permit from the National Environment Agency of Singapore. This permit ensures that the ash scattering adheres to the regulations for such ceremonies. Fortunately, The Life Legacy can guide you through this process and take care of the necessary permits for you.

3. Convenience in Distance

Some people would find it more convenient to travel to the seas as their home may be near the coastal areas. However, some staying in landlocked areas would prefer a land scattering as they are nearer to a memorial garden. Alongside your own preferences, the distance could also matter for your family although it is encouraged to adhere to your own wishes and wants as much as possible.

Pros and Cons of Sea Scattering

  • Advantages

1. Symbolic and Serene Scenery

2. Fulfilling Maritime Traditions

3. A Unique Way to Bid Farewell

  • Disadvantages

1. Generally More Expensive as a Boat is Needed

2. Potential Challenges In Sea Traversal

Pros and Cons of Land Scattering

  • Advantages

1. Accessibility and Convenience

2. Traditional and Familiar Practices

3. Sentimental way to bid goodbye

  • Disadvantages

1. Limited Designated Sites

2. Further Distance from Coastal Areas

Importance of Making an Informed Decision

Your final resting place is an important part of your funeral pre-planning process. This will leave your family with peace of mind while adhering to your wishes.

1. Adherence with Own Customs and Traditions

Deciding on a funeral practice that adheres to the deceased loved one’s own customs or beliefs can be spiritually fulfilling. If the person in question is someone who holds great value to his/her beliefs, it is important to fulfil the wishes based on those held beliefs. 

2. Fulfilling Wishes with Family Members

When preplanning a funeral for a loved one, it's crucial to consider the wishes of the family members who will make decisions after the person has passed. These family members are often closest to the deceased and understand their preferences and desires. Balancing the deceased’s wishes with the family’s input ensures that the planning process honours the departed while accommodating the needs and feelings of those who will carry out the arrangements.

3. Facilitating A Proper Grieving Process

A decision that is fulfilling to the survivors and is compliant with the wishes of the deceased can give a sense of proper closure for the surviving loved ones. The point of these practices is not only to fulfil the departed one’s wishes about his/her own funeral but to also give a proper farewell and make it less difficult for the survivors to accept the death of their loved one. 

Whether On Land Or Sea, Make The Best Decision With The Life Legacy

With a clearer understanding of the different practices for handling remains—whether through sea or land—and their respective benefits and considerations, the next important step is to seek expert guidance to ensure you make the best decision tailored to your personal preferences.

At The Life Legacy, we are committed to helping you navigate these choices with compassion and expertise. Our knowledgeable Funeral planners are here to assist you in making informed decisions, ensuring that every detail of your farewell aligns with your wishes and provides a meaningful closure.

Consult The Life Legacy today to transform this once-in-a-lifetime decision into a thoughtful and respectful farewell. Let us help you create a tribute that truly honours your legacy, whether on land or at sea.


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