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What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?

Updated: Jun 26

Planning for the future involves making crucial decisions today, and understanding legal tools is part of that process. So, what is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)? An LPA is a legal document that allows you to appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do so yourself due to mental incapacity. This ensures your personal and financial affairs are managed according to your wishes.

Curious about how an LPA can help secure your future? Read on for a complete guide that covers everything you need to know about setting up a Lasting Power of Attorney, its benefits, and expert tips to make informed choices!

How Does the Lasting Power of Attorney Work?

signing of lasting power of attorney

The Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in Singapore is a legal instrument allowing an individual (the donor) to appoint one or more persons (donees) to act on their behalf in matters of personal welfare and/or property and affairs if they lose mental capacity. This mechanism is governed by the Mental Capacity Act.

Key aspects of the LPA:

  1. Certification: The LPA must be witnessed and certified by a certificate issuer, who can be a practising lawyer, a registered medical practitioner, or a registered psychiatrist. The role of the certificate issuer is to confirm that the donor understands the implications of the LPA and is not under undue influence or duress.

  2. Registration: The completed LPA form must be submitted to and registered with the Office of the Public Guardian (OPG). This process includes a mandatory waiting period of six weeks, during which objections to the registration can be made.

  3. Activation: The LPA takes effect only when the donor loses mental capacity. The donee must act in the best interests of the donor and adhere to the principles outlined in the Mental Capacity Act.

  4. Revocation: The donor can revoke the LPA at any time as long as they have mental capacity. The revocation must be done in writing and submitted to the OPG.

  5. Safeguards: The OPG oversees the administration of LPAs, and there are legal remedies available if a donee misuses their powers. Complaints about a donee can be lodged with the OPG, which has the authority to investigate and take appropriate action.

The LPA ensures that the donor's interests are protected and managed by trusted individuals, thereby providing a legal and structured approach to managing their affairs in the event of mental incapacity.

Scope of Authority

The LPA allows Donees to act in two key areas:

  1. Personal Welfare: Decisions regarding medical care, daily living arrangements, and personal hygiene.

  2. Property and Affairs: Managing finances, investments, and property.

The Donor can choose to grant authority in either or both areas.

What are the Requirements of a Lasting Power of Attorney?

The Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in Singapore has specific eligibility criteria for both the Donor (the person creating the LPA) and the Donee(s) appointed to make decisions.

Donor Requirements:

  • Age: At least 21 years old.

  • Mental Capacity: Must possess the mental ability to understand the nature and implications of the LPA.

  • Bankruptcy Status: Cannot be an undischarged bankrupt if appointing a Donee for property and affairs matters.

Donee Requirements:

  • Age: At least 21 years old.

  • Mental Capacity: Must have the mental capacity to understand their duties and responsibilities as a Donee.

  • Residency: No residency restrictions, but they should be able to communicate effectively with the Donor.

Additional Requirements:

  • LPA Form: Completion of the appropriate LPA form (Form 1 or Form 2) based on the wishes and requirements of the donor.

  • Certification: A qualified certificate issuer (doctor, lawyer) must verify the Donor's mental capacity and witness the LPA signing.

  • Registration: The completed LPA needs to be registered with the Office of Public Guardian (OPG) for legal validity.


  • Consider professional legal guidance for complex LPAs or specific needs.

  • The LPA can include specific instructions or limitations for Donees.

Following these requirements ensures a valid and enforceable LPA that protects the Donor's interests.

Importance of Having a Legacy Planning Expert to Obtain a Lasting Power of Attorney

While a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) offers significant benefits, navigating the legalities and ensuring its effectiveness can be complex. Here's how a Legacy Planning Expert can empower you:

  • Expertise & Guidance: They possess in-depth knowledge of LPA regulations and can guide you in selecting the appropriate LPA form and structure based on your needs.

  • Clarity & Precision: Experts ensure your LPA accurately reflects your wishes and minimises ambiguity for Donees when making decisions.

  • Safeguards & Compliance: They can advise on incorporating safeguards to protect you from potential misuse of power by Donees, ensuring compliance with legal requirements.

  • Complexities & Disputes: Legacy planners can assist in navigating intricate situations or potential future disputes regarding the LPA.

  • Peace of Mind: Gaining professional guidance provides peace of mind, knowing your LPA is effectively drafted and will function as intended.

The Life Legacy Singapore: Your Trusted Partner

At The Life Legacy, our dedicated team of Legacy Planning Experts offers comprehensive support throughout the LPA creation process. We can assist with:

  • Understanding LPA types and choosing the right fit.

  • Drafting a clear and comprehensive LPA document.

  • Selecting suitable Donees and outlining their responsibilities.

  • Navigating the LPA registration process with the Office of Public Guardian (OPG).

  • Addressing any specific concerns or complexities you may have.

Contact The Life Legacy today to schedule a consultation and ensure your LPA safeguards your future effectively. We are committed to helping you create a lasting legacy for your loved ones.

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