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Who Should Consider an Advance Medical Directive in Singapore?

When it comes to making decisions about our health, we all hope to stay in control, especially during critical moments. In Singapore, an Advance Medical Directive (AMD) is a legal document that allows individuals to specify their wishes regarding medical treatment if they become terminally ill or are unable to communicate. But who exactly should consider an AMD? Let’s break it down.

asian patient with advance medical directive

1. Individuals Who Value Autonomy

If you strongly believe in having control over your medical care, especially during end-of-life situations, an AMD is worth considering. It gives you the power to decide whether or not you want life-sustaining treatment in cases where recovery is unlikely. By setting up an AMD, you ensure your healthcare preferences are respected even if you're unable to communicate them later.

2. Those Who Want to Reduce Family Burden

Decisions about life-sustaining treatment can be tough for family members, especially during emotionally charged moments. An Advance Medical Directive can ease this burden by clearly stating your wishes in advance. This way, your loved ones won't have to make difficult choices on your behalf, avoiding potential disagreements and guilt. It provides peace of mind for everyone involved, knowing they are following your explicit instructions.

3. People Concerned About Financial Costs

Life-sustaining treatments can be expensive, especially if they only prolong life without improving quality. If you're worried about the financial impact of such treatments, an AMD can help. By specifying your preferences in advance, you can prevent unnecessary medical expenses and potentially avoid depleting your savings or placing a financial strain on your family.

4. Individuals Preferring a Natural Passing

For those who wish for a natural and dignified passing, an AMD can ensure this preference is respected. It prevents aggressive medical interventions that might only prolong suffering without a chance of recovery. If you believe in letting nature take its course in the face of terminal illness, an AMD can help ensure your end-of-life care aligns with this philosophy.

5. Individuals Without Close Family

For people who don't have close family members or have strained family relationships, an AMD is crucial. It ensures that healthcare providers know your preferences without having to guess or rely on distant relatives who may not fully understand your wishes. It provides a clear directive in situations where there might be uncertainty about who should make decisions on your behalf.

6. Those Who Want to Avoid Prolonged Suffering

Some individuals prefer not to undergo aggressive treatments that may extend life. An AMD can reflect this preference, allowing for a more peaceful and dignified passing by avoiding extraordinary measures that may cause undue suffering.

7. Adults of All Ages

Anyone over 21 can benefit from having an Advance Medical Directive, as accidents or unexpected medical conditions can occur at any time.

8. Individuals at Risk of Losing Decision-Making Capacity

Those facing conditions that may impair decision-making abilities, such as dementia or traumatic brain injury, can use an Advance Medical Directive to express their healthcare wishes in advance.

Why Choose The Life Legacy for Your Advance Medical Directive (AMD)?

Navigating end-of-life decisions can be complex, but The Life Legacy is here to make the process easier for you. We specialise in helping individuals understand what an AMD entails and how it can benefit them. The Life Legacy offers:

  • Guidance Through the Process: We explain the AMD in simple terms, helping you understand your options and what the document means for your healthcare journey.

  • Assistance in Completing the Form: If you decide to proceed, The Life Legacy will assist you in filling out the form, all necessary details are covered.

  • Doctor Certification and Mailing: We help obtain the required doctor certification and take care of mailing the completed form to the registrar on your behalf.

By choosing The Life Legacy, you’re ensuring that your AMD is handled with care, professionalism, and understanding. Our team is dedicated to making sure your wishes are documented and respected, providing you with peace of mind about your future healthcare.

Take Control of Your Healthcare Decisions Today

Don't leave your healthcare decisions to chance. Whether you're young and healthy or facing chronic illness, having an AMD ensures your preferences are known and respected. It's a way of taking control of your medical journey, ensuring that you receive the care you want while relieving the burden on your loved ones.

Ready to Take the Next Step? Contact The Life Legacy today to discuss your Advance Medical Directive.

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