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Why Choose Environmentally Friendly Urn Options?

Are you an advocate for environmental care and protection? Then you will love the environmentally friendly urn options that are offered. As the world’s climate changes rapidly it is crucial for people to be more environmentally friendly and this can be done even after death through the use of biodegradable urns. These biodegradable urns are designed to mitigate their negative impact on the environment. As the goal of many leans towards becoming eco-friendly and sustainable, the focus on funeral practices also shifts towards the same direction.

Benefits of Environmentally Friendly Urns 

environmentally friendly urns

What is beautiful can also be beneficial to the environment and that is what biodegradable urns from The Life Legacy are crafted for.

  • Biodegradability and natural decomposition: Biodegradable urns are designed to naturally dissolve over time without harming the environment. It then becomes part of the earth's soil (or water) that sustains all lives.

  • Minimal environmental footprint: Does not need the same amount of resources as traditional burial therefore leaves less environmental footprint.

  • Use of sustainable and renewable materials: Biodegradable urns are crafted using recycled materials and natural fibers making it sustainable and does not rely on limited resources only.

Cultural and Personal Considerations 

To show people your personal beliefs and culture even after death. Here are some cultural and personal beliefs to consider:

  • Respect for nature and ecosystems: Having an environmentally friendly urn shows the value of respecting nature and the goal of preserving it.

  • Aligning end-of-life practices with personal values: It is a personal decision and one that reflects the person’s character and values in life. It reflects how they lived their life and their care for the environment.

  • Symbolism of returning to the earth naturally: To embrace the life and death cycle and to be part of the earth in creating and sustaining the life of plants and animals. It becomes a cycle of returning to the soil of Earth.

Types of Biodegradable Urns

At The Life Legacy, we offer a variety of biodegradable urns designed to honour your loved one’s memory while being kind to the environment. Each urn is crafted with care to provide a meaningful and eco-friendly option for final arrangements. Here are the types of biodegradable urns available:

Journey Urn:

The Journey Urn is a delicate, water-biodegradable paper urn, beautifully adorned with embossing and a paper band inlaid with petals. Its design ensures it gracefully dissolves when placed in water, making it an elegant choice for a water-based farewell.

Serenity Urn:

Crafted by hand from recycled and kraft paper, the Serenity™ Urn is a water-biodegradable urn that requires no glue for sealing. Each urn securely closes with a leather cord, reflecting both simplicity and sustainability in its design.

Dahlia Urn:

The Dahlia Urn is an environmentally friendly option made from a clay-like material. Designed to float briefly and dissolve within four hours upon contact with water, this urn features openings at the bottom to allow water to enter. Its top-loading design ensures a respectful and attractive choice for aquatic dispersal.

Scattering Tubes:

Our scattering tubes are designed without metal or plastic, ensuring they can be fully recycled or will biodegrade naturally if buried. They provide a practical solution for scattering ashes while minimising environmental impact.

Reflect Earthurn:

The Reflect Earthurn combines elegance with functionality, featuring a natural silk bag with a ribbon and a matching picture frame. This urn is suitable for both scattering and biodegradable burial, offering a refined way to bring a loved one’s remains home or lay them to rest naturally.


The Bio-Urn is the world's first biodegradable urn designed to transform the remains of your loved one into a living tree. Made from 100% biodegradable materials, it supports environmental sustainability and provides a nurturing medium for plant growth, allowing for a lasting, natural legacy.

Each of these urns represents a unique way to honour your loved one's memory while supporting the planet, reflecting both personal values and environmental stewardship.

Have A Legacy That Does Not Degrade With the Help of The Life Legacy

A reflection of one’s values and beliefs towards the environment, the use of an environmentally friendly urn or biodegradable urn mitigates the negative impact a traditional burial has. To adapt to the sustainable goals of life even after death through the use of biodegradable urns. A way to mitigate and shift the negative through sustainable goals is a friendly way to live and go.

Guiding you toward environmentally friendly farewells, Contact The Life Legacy Now!


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